Yuki Ito's renowned "Gorham" lure has finally arrived. The "Gorham" also known as the "Tree of the Universe," is a revolutionary feeding bait that induces a mysterious feeding response from distant neutral targets. Its advanced design, featuring two synchronized LBO II systems, overcomes the limitations of traditional jointed lures, such as decreased casting distance and delayed action. With its unique rumble tail providing lifelike movement, the GORHAM entices even hesitant neutral targets to strike, making it an essential tool for catching elusive big game fish. Join the ranks of successful anglers who have been transformed by this sacred tree of fishing.
Innovative and powerful, the Megabass Gorham 147F features LBO II technology on both sides of its jointed body. The synchronized weight mount ensures stability and smooth action, even in rough waters. By shifting the center of gravity, the lure generates unprecedented casting distance and propulsion, challenging the traditional notion of jointed lures. Additionally, the two LBOs work hand-in-hand, instantly reacting when the reel handle is engaged for a seamless fishing experience.
The original rumble tail of the Gorham lure produces an irregular grind and fluttering sound in the lateral direction, as well as a splash and bubbling sound in the rear. Inspired by ITO Engineering's hydrodynamics, this innovative teaser is the third jointed part of the lure and adds a supple, lifelike action for enhanced fish appeal. Measuring 147mm in length (with a total length of 200mm when tail is mounted) and weighing 1-5/8oz, this floating lure is designed to attract fish with its scientific and objective features.